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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EST

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loads of work ahead for america's brand new secretary of state john kerry while we're asking whether a fresh person on top of u.s. diplomacy will mean change for washington's foreign strategy. egypt's opposition wants to see the president for urgent talks after almost a week of deadly unrest bahman morsi himself is meanwhile going to the e.u. to discuss partnership deals on a visit shortened by chaos at home. and open to detention the team tasks with shutting down guantanamo bay gets the axe while a probe into cia secret prisons around the world gets little cooperation.
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from our studios in moscow you're watching r t with me and he said now it's good to have you with us five pm here in the russian capital eight am in washington and our top story this hour the u.s. senate has approved john kerry as the next secretary of state but hardly anyone opposing the nomination the sixty nine year old democrat will replace hillary clinton's legacy which includes a rise of anti-american sentiment worldwide as well as tough times with russia are you going to teach or can takes a close look into kerry's political past to get more perspective on what to expect from him in the future. the evolution of john kerry's views has been quite remarkable so remarkable that it's hard to pin where exactly his standing on a number of issues he built his career on the reputation of a name to war advocate
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a vietnam veteran himself he was very vocal as a spokesman of the vietnam veterans against the war back in the seventies then in the eighty's he challenge to the reagan administration's policies on central america in one thousand nine hundred one he voted against the u.s. involvement in the first gulf war but later over the years john kerry has morphed into a pretty much mainstream politician with a record which casts a shadow on the antiwar image that he's been trying to build for himself and in two thousand and two he voted to authorize the iraq invasion and since then he has made a slew of conflicting statements which might have cost him the election in two thousand and four when he was running as the antiwar candidate so while criticizing george w. bush for the war in iraq in two thousand and four in august of that year when asked if he would still of gone to war knowing saddam hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction john kerry said yes i would have voted for the authority i believe it was the right authority for a president to have in september that year in direct contradiction to that
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statement john kerry said we should not have gone to war knowing the information that we know today. these are just some of his other conflicting statements for example on supplemental funding for the troops back in two thousand and three it was an eighty seven billion dollars bill in september that year he was for it in a cold war he voted against it it was at that time when he said i actually did vote for it before i voted against it a phrase which kind of stuck with john kerry on patriot act again he was for it before he was against it on israel's unilateral construction of a security fence he called it a barrier to peace at one time but less than a year later he reversed himself calling the fence a legitimate act of self defense. now as far as his present views which he shared during his confirmation hearing last week on the range he said although the u.s. favors diplomacy but washington will act to prevent iran from getting the nuclear
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weapon whether the preventive action could be in war he did not clarify that he was cautious speaking about syria and that caution is reflective of the white house becoming seemingly more aware of the challenges there and the threats behind a military intervention but it's worth noting that he may ask if there were any conditions under which you would support u.s. or nato led airstrikes on the syrian military john kerry said quote unquote sure but before that in march he also said bombing syria would not be the right thing to do is not necessarily a flip flop but you can see that his actions and views can go either way during the confirmation hearing we've heard john kerry channel a new message that the obama administration is trying to convey and that is in president obama's own words we're not treating from the hips and his nomination of chuck hagel who is known to have been against a strike on iran for example could be part of that message so secretary of state john kerry now channels that we are not going to rush into action message but he's
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record shows that when the tide turns and that tide can turn very quickly and the drums of war start beating loud and clear again john kerry would probably jump on that. but we discuss the issue with brian drove director of an independent media out that deep dish t.v. he believes there's a certain consistency in washington's foreign policy no matter who's at the helm it remains the same. area secretary of state doesn't mean that the vietnam veterans against the war will be taking over foggy bottom i mean you know there may be some changes in style and tone but there won't be a change in substance between kerry and clinton any more frankly than there was between congolese so rightly said we had already clinton in the last twenty years even in the last since bush and obama what is really change trey's first strike wars in afghanistan and yemen and pakistan and now they're positioning so-called
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missiles defense which is essentially a first strike weapon targeted assassinations intensified under obama and its assertion of his right to order the killing of american citizens anywhere in the world is kerry going to stand up in international forums and say no that's wrong we can't do that i don't think so neither did hillary clinton. a politician's gaffe sends the french business community into a panic paris liberty calls his own country bank robbed sending government officials scrambling to soothe shocked businesses and financial leaders. in the case of sexual abuse against a russian child services authorities in moscow seek justice while public feeling over the newly implemented ban on american adoptions still runs high.
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egypt's opposition has called for an urgent meeting with the president and ministers to end the violence in the country morsi himself is currently in berlin to negotiate a partnership agreement he had planned to visit paris next but decided to head back home in stat violent protests in egypt have been going on for almost a week and resulted in over fifty deaths thousands have been calling for an end to morsi is rule clashing with police and troops and defying the curfew order imposed in freetown along the suez canal welcome and thank you co-founder of the council of trustees of the revolution in egypt says amid the chaos the military's role should not be underestimated. the surface interpretation of what's happening definitely there are groups who are willing to sabotage anything and try to embarrass the government specifically morsi and the military. on the surface however there are deeper into positions of what's going on some of the interpretation goes as far as
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that the military council or the military is behind all of this so that they can have. the grip over this way to intensify their presence militarily over there probably don't want to see an economic development of this specific strategic area because it would mean handover to civilian oversight of the canard rather than military oversight of the according to do. new constitution there's something called the national defense council this council in most countries and previously had an advisory structure now it has more of an executive that has more military members on this board than civilians which numbers the civilians including the commander in chief the president which means they can force the president to take certain decisions which we have just seen in the past couple of days when they have the commander in chief say that he will
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declare martial law or emergency emergency law in those specific areas. the french government has been jolted into action seeking to allay shop businesses after its employment minister called the country bankrupt paris has been desperately cutting costs in a bid to avert a financial meltdown in europe second economy let's not get more on the minister's statement with terry b'day political commentator and author of the significance of borders thank you for being with us what do you make of this apparent slip is there any truth in it is france bankrupt well it's difficult of course to judge it with a very clear. certainty from an outsider's perspective i mean we don't have access to all the information at this point but it's not the first time that the french government as. shown panic in financial situations though i think we should take it very seriously indeed and what france fails in its financial balancing act
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obviously they're attempting to do so who would be left to bail it out well this is obviously the nightmare scenario for the euro at this point from the very start the whole idea of the single european monetary system has been a convergence of the economic systems of the member states and this is obviously not occurred we see missing greece two scenes in several other southern european countries but all of these southern european countries were relatively small enough to be bullied around by the north and obviously this is not going to happen with france so if if indeed the situation is true that the euro is in serious trouble. france of course has commitments abroad to its former colonies and current allies in mali in afghanistan so the paris can't just cut and run what's going to happen in terms of those those kind of missions taking place around the world and what would it do to france's reputation if they had to make cuts. well this is difficult
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to forsee of course i don't doubt that france will comply with its security commitments abroad but i'm more concerned with the future of the euro as a whole as a currency. and i think this maybe to the beginning of the of the end of the year. that's interesting let's talk more about that how do you see attempts to save the euro folding out so many people have been saying this is the beginning of the end of the euro when are we going to see the end well you're right in the netherlands where i am active as a writer i've called for a referendum to be organized what we see is that there's a political elite in all of europe determined to see this through to the bitter end all major political parties support the idea of the euro whereas it's becoming more and more clear that it's not working very well so what we really need is a plan b.
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a backup scenario and an organized dismantlement but let's look specifically at france in terms of the euro and a possible collapse what would it mean for france's economy. well. they're basically two scenarios of dismantlement of the euro the first is disorderly doing this mentum and that would be very problematic and the other option is an orderly dismantlement and this doesn't look that bad ever been produced through reports by a prominent economists not so long ago by the wolfson prices being awarded to a group of economists who have thought out several scenarios of how to dismantle the euro currency and what we really need is our political elites to looking at this because at some point reality will. have to be fixed and then we can all go on with this project. right terry but a political commentator and author of the significance of borders thank you very
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much for your analysis. israel is building a great wall of its own coming up the country stands one session on its human rights policies amid plans to further build barriers to its neighbors stay with r.t. for that. the first baby steps are joy. folds and bones are not a big deal. but they can cause terrible trauma. for children can be broken by dare touch. and only the will of life can make old pain i'm sores way.
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fragile people on r.t. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry was a big show. coming up to quarter past the hour here in moscow you're with r t well hopes of a timely closure of guantanamo bay have dim further with the man tasked with
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resettling inmates and shutting down the u.s. detention center in cuba now transferred away the white house has not so far assigned a replacement daniel fried was picked for the job in two thousand and nine by president obama who had valid to shut down the notorious prison fried work to convince other nations to take on tunnel inmates considered to be low risk but he soon saw his job grow more difficult with new laws complicating the repress relation of detainees well of the old most eight hundred inmates that have passed through juan tomtom only nine have had charges brought against them that's including the five nine eleven suspects currently facing pretrial hearings and meanwhile investigations into america's so-called black sites abroad are making little headway a years long probe into covert cia jails in poland in particular has investigators frustrated with washington not volunteer in much help and is our teaser in a go to school reports even if the details were forthcoming justice might be not.
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but all the interest in it means people are moving their focus elsewhere so-called black sites secret prisons were established by the cia during its well publicized war on terror unlike the cause however these secret facilities were never publicly discussed by the authorities the us claimed they could hold prisoners outside the us because then they wouldn't be subject to the geneva conventions and to international law and humanitarian law reports suggest such prisons were in existence from two thousand and two basically not long after the events of nine eleven the u.s. government denied the existence of these prisons until two thousand and six now the only country in europe which has acknowledged the presence of a secret cia facility on its territory is lithuania and if you were to look at it you will you will see something almost a deliberate site except for the imposing fences surrounding it likewise
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a suspected secret prison poland is believed to be located here apparently in one of the most beautiful spots in the country according to various reports mostly from journalists or human rights organizations so-called high value detainees were flown in by the cia for interrogation at these polish facilities. i managed to get records from the airport in germany where it's clear that they have learned an aircraft used by the cia very important evidence because until then everyone denied these landings and reported different destinations of these flights to europe controlled however just like their american counterparts the authorities in warsaw have been extremely frugal with the details and investigation into the secret prisons has been dragging on for almost five years now but what earth during its course remains unknown one man who has been charged with involvement is poland's former chief of intelligence and security is big news to miss called ski this first
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high profile official of any nation to be prosecuted over the issue polish investigators have only one response to all questions concerning their investigation all the information has been classified as it involves state secrets which of course they're not allowed to divulge on top of that since the case directly involves u.s. officials one would imagine warsaw and washington working very closely together yet people who are privy to the investigation say this is definitely not the case the united states or thirty. anyway in fact i can say that the investigation. in my absolutely bad. article three. mutually glistens treaty between poland and the united states. refused to produce any information requested by the prosecutor therefore the extent of the investigations progress just like any information about the torture of
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prisoners regarding who watch where when and how all of it remains a mystery and the investigation is rumored to conclude next month by the looks of it whatever its outcome it may also be a state secrets and swept under the carpet. a bank rash claims at least twenty lives in the republic of kazakhstan on line you can find out more on the deadly flight including how the tragedy unfolded and expert opinion on what could have been behind it. plus virtual kidnappings ransom in your idea and fiber of terrorism that's only a quick glimpse into the internet to find future from google's c.e.o. had to r.t. dot com for more. israel has reportedly attacked a target on the syrian lebanese border after giving repeated warnings that damascus chemical and conventional weapons could be falling into the wrong hands well this
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comes amid a growing feeling of isolation in tel aviv with the country planning to build more and offensive walls including in the disputed golan heights artie's alexei yourself ski reports. if you were allowed to invest your money into israel's construction companies those supplying materials for defensive walls you would have probably made a hefty profit government decision suggests they will never run out of business but we can do and we intend to erect a fence along the golan heights we know that on the other side of our border with syria today the syrian army has moved away and in its place global jihad forces have moved in therefore we will defend this border against both infiltration and terrorism. that would make a third defensive wall in less than twenty years along with the one in jerusalem and on the border with egypt barriers with lebanon and jordan are also being discussed all have the same just a fixation security reasons israel built the concrete wall in the west bank more
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than a decade ago to protect itself from palestinian terrorism years on not only it is still dividing the land and the people but the opinions as well supporters of the defensive barrier pointed to a decreased number of attacks while its opponents say that its existence in the first place. is creating more grounds for instability political writer michael ware shots he believes the west bank barrier may have been a temporary solution years ago but it's no longer proving effective just as the march braced friends with the sea knight peninsula that eventually failed to keep out african migrants if building another turns israel into a fortress for shaft he says then it will be a medieval one there are many many many holes in the war so if someone is really. willing to. he can do it with or without the war and the last decision of the government show the craziness or the crazy philosophy which is behind it to
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create a normality for our children for our grandchildren based on the fortress completely surrounded by a wall by your fans we are going back to. with this philosophy of creating an all money behind the war the war building business may seem profitable to some but financial experts say constructing these barriers consumes a sizeable chunk of the defense budget as well as suffocating regional development in which is part of the palestinian state but of the. it was excluded by the wall and now it is became. almost a get to some of this part of the. land they are trying various sources of his jerusalem the wall for us is a nightmare and it is also very much them aging to their business environment the fence at the border with egypt can be excused for being an international border the
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golan heights on the other hand is only a cease fire line left from the israeli syrian warfare so not only it would not protect israel from any kind of mordant weapon attack but just like the wall in the west bank it could become another more humans to the indefinite occupation of territory conquered by force. altie reporting from israel that of the un bon ki-moon has denounced what he termed unrelenting horrors after a new massacre in the syria town of aleppo we should warn you that the following images are very graphic and could be disturbing the bodies of dozens of young men have been pulled out of the river in the city in the north of syria rebels say more than one hundred have died in towns thought to still be in the water out of reach because snipers in the area north of the men have their hands tied behind their backs with gunshot wounds to the head both the rebels and the government blame each other for the killings. french army has met little resistance from is the
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misters it moved into can doll the third largest town in the north of mali elsewhere looting has taken place into book two and residents have attacked suspected militants who didn't flee when the french and malian troops secured areas earlier this week despite many of the shops attacks belong to supporters of islamists pushed out of the cities. twenty protestors have been arrested in athens after members of a communist backed trade union clashed violently with police some demonstrators managed to get inside the labor ministry headquarters before being forced out onto the streets they were showing their anger at further cuts their pay packages as part of the country's ongoing austerity program the greek government last week used emergency powers to break up a strike by transport workers that lasted eight days. now another case of abuse against russian children adopted by u.s. citizens has come to light investigators in moscow have launched
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a criminal case into allegations of sex crimes against a six year old boy in an american foster family room on closer it is now joining me live with the latest details from on what's the significance of this case becoming public and what are the chances of prosecuting the adoptive parents if they are proving guilty. well the chances of actually prosecuting the parents very minuscule to say the least and unfortunately we've been getting quite a lot of news concerning the inhumane treatment solve russian kids. their inhumane treatment over in the united states but what's worse than that is that the russians can hardly do anything about it from here from across the atlantic and like you said all the russian investigators can do is launch a criminal probe but here locally against those american parents sends a common sense says you know it will hardly affect the child
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rapist at all well unfortunately child abusers like the foster parents in question and others before them managed to get away with murder to say the least and according to our russian investigators the family that sexually abused had already been convicted all four acts of abuse against this child before and mind you the word sexual had never come up during the conviction and their commission was probation so all the words to the parents falls to parents only gods as to spend sentence now the russian child apart apparently continued living with those foster parents if you could call them that and you continued to be sexually abused as well and that was the telegram from the russian ambassador to russia in this to geisha and committee now like i said russian diplomats are unable to do anything
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whatsoever in such cases and that had recently prompted. live law which prohibits american families from adopting russian kids altogether now to live he was an adult a russian child who. after suffocating extreme heat when his american parents left him in the in the car and when the deal with a couple of law was passed he created a huge debates on both sides a plan ticket and. debate was whether the orphans would the benefits of from such restrictions for now that's the least russia could do on its own and to protect the russian kids who are adopted by american parents and by the way. also provides for improvements all orphaned say here in russia as well and
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would also help the parents here in russia financially and in other in other aspects of life. all right among course there bring us the latest on this latest child abuse case in terms of u.s. adoption as the debate continues thanks for that coming up shortly here in our today it's our special report fragile people. sigrid laboratory to mccurdy was able to build the world's most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care only on the dot com
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